Friday, April 20, 2012

SuperGIS Desktop 3.1

SuperGeo Technologies announces that the latest desktop GIS product—SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 Beta is released.

 According to the announcement, SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 is based on the brand new SuperGIS Engine 3 and provides more various GIS tools and assists GIS professionals in efficiently displaying, editing, managing and analyzing spatial data. It also improves the performance and provides numerous editing tools.

Supergeo reports that SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 provides two editions, Professional and Standard. Besides covering the functions of Standard edition, Professional edition also supports topology analyst, enforces geodatabase management, and provides VBA customization. SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 also provides a number of new editing tools such as, Segment Deflection, Finish Square Sketch, Direction-Distance tool, Distance-Distance tool, Reshape Feature, parallel, Split at Vertex tool, Generalize Tool, Smooth Tool, etc. These tools can help improve users’ editing efficiency.

Topology analyst supports to validate and display topological relationship for spatial dada and assists users in effectively editing and fixing maps, according to the announcement. In geodatabase management, it supports to read and edit the vector data in database. Moreover, the built-in VBA customization tools allow users to develop the GIS tools by themselves to build their own GIS platforms.

Free Trial Download

Desktop GIS
SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 Professional(2012/04/12) 214,058 KB
SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 Standard(2012/04/12) 214,058 KB
SuperGIS Network Analyst 3.0(2012/04/12) 9,964 KB
SuperGIS Spatial Analyst 3.0(2012/04/12) 13,999 KB
SuperGIS Desktop 3.0(2011/03/30) 135,497 KB
SuperGIS 3D Analyst 2(2010/09/13) 15,179 KB
SuperGIS Biodiversity Analyst 2(2010/08/13) 2,876 KB
SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst 2(2010/08/13) 3,761 KB
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